Root Cause: The district realized there was a significant need for an MTSS program to help our lower and higher end students, as we at the time, did not have any type of intervention program in place. At the time, only our students identified in special education were receiving interventions. During the 2016/2017 school year, administration made a school wide action plan to implement an MTSS program K-12. Our MTSS program has evolved from its inception and continues to be a part of our everyday culture of learning. Our current MTTS program is engrained into our RTI process and is a part of daily culture of high expectations and positive student outcomes.
Priority Action Detailed
Who is Responsible
Time Frame
Students will achieve grade level mastery for no less than 70% of students on NWEA assessments
District Admin, BOE, Staff, Students
Technology is available and applicable for all students and staff
District Admin, BOE
Create pathways to graduation that benefit all students
District Admin, BOE, Staff
MTSS/ RTI- Implement and sustain a multi-tiered system of supports that improves educational outcomes for every student
District Admin, Staff